Author: PlayBox Technology

Important Notice of Software Update

The update has been focused on improving our products and incorporation a number of innovations and features. PlayBox Technology announces update on the new software release schedule for 2019. This will include: Event repeat Improved input CC handling via UDP Improved audio streams in RTMP and UPD Improved Program ID and Splice ID available in…
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Toxic Stress: What It Is & How We Can Help

 Did you know that stress can disrupt children’s mental and even physical development? While some stress is a natural (and even helpful) part of life, prolonged stress responses can lead to problems with health, behavior, and learning down the line. This is called “toxic stress,” and it’s a serious problem for children worldwide. What causes…
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Will AI Dominate in Broadcasting in 2019?

In almost every area of modern technology, we’re beginning to see the implementation of AI/ML (artificial intelligence and machine learning). AI/ML made inroads in broadcasting and video production in 2018, but these industries are still a ways out from utilizing this technology to its fullest potential. Whether or not it fully takes off this year,…
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PlayBox Technology Announces Customer Reward Programme

PlayBox Technology has announced the launch of their new Customer Reward Programme. With the new scheme, the users will have access to PlayBox’s portfolio of diverse incentives including discounts, flexible payment solutions, loyalty scheme and extended warranty. “It’s become increasingly important for retailers to build meaningful relationships with consumers through personalised communications, relevant promotions, and…
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Broadcasting and Media Trends to Pay Attention to in 2019

In the age of digital transformation, broadcasting and media are always on the brink of change. To help you stay up-to-date on the newest consumer trends, we’ve compiled a list of the most important trends that will drive the industry this year: 1. TV advertising is still the most effective method Despite reported drops in…
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What TV Stands to Gain from Being Socially Responsible

Media, TV in particular, has a unique position as a source of facts and data as well as a societal moral touchstone. Now more than ever, consumers are scrutinizing the ethics of the businesses they support, and TV is no exception. Whether in the actions broadcasters take or the content they deliver, viewers are paying…
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TV Isn’t Dead (But It Also Isn’t Growing)

The future of television, supported by ads, has been the subject of concern and speculation for the past several years as more and more SVoD (subscription video on demand) providers enter the scene. There are two main threats to TV currently: the first is shrinking audience reach, and the second is the rising cost for…
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Broadcasts We Love: BeatBox TV, a Free-Access R&B Channel

BeatBox TV is a monument to all that independent creators can achieve in modern broadcasting. Founded by award-winning composer and musician Rajan Kocchar, BeatBox TV is a free-access television channel dedicated to promoting Asian music and culture.  Kocchar intends to fill a significant gap in the music industry by connecting up and coming musicians, as…
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Strong Foundations: The Importance of Early Childhood Development

Human brain development is like building a house: construction is an ongoing process that starts with a foundation and goes through several critical stages. After the foundation comes framing the rooms, then electrical wiring, and so on up until the point where the changes amount to rearranging the furniture and painting an accent wall. Similarly,…
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How OTT Platforms are Driving the Need for IP Workflows

No industry has felt the effects of digital change as much as broadcasting has in the past few years. Broadcasters have had to adapt to drastic evolution in workflow, platforms, and consumer needs, which provided great opportunities to forward-thinking businesses while forcing the less-agile to play catch-up. Even more change is still to come, especially…
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