PlayBox showcases streaming and channel management at IBC2022

PlayBox showcases streaming and channel management at IBC2022

London, UK, 22/09/22 – PlayBox Technology UK, the leading channel in a box provider for media companies worldwide, celebrated the return of an in-person IBC with new products and a strong order book. IBC2022 saw more than 37,000 people from 170 countries get together in Amsterdam for the most important global broadcast and media event.

“We have kept in close touch with our customers and the industry over the last couple of years, but it was very good to see everyone again,” said Philip Neighbour, COO at PlayBox Technology. “As Michael Crimp, IBC’s CEO, said, ‘there was a real sense of positivity. We are stronger together.’ The media industry has always depended upon the exchange of ideas at events like IBC, and we as a company are committed to supporting it in the future.”

While PlayBox Technology concentrated on meetings and establishing new contacts at IBC2022, it also took the opportunity to introduce new products and services, which reflect the rapidly changing media environment today. Eurisco is a new approach to multi-channel live streaming for anyone, at qualities up to gigabit streams. With a powerful, cloud-hosted WebRTC engine and a fully customisable user interface, it makes it simple for anyone to build a streaming platform.

Extending the concept even further, OTT Stream is a highly-functional, ready-to-run streaming management and delivery system. Again cloud-based, it allows users to operate – and pay for – the functionality and capacity they require, while creating branded skins to ensure their OTT platform matches the corporate identity.

“What we clearly saw at IBC is that the industry has transformed, not least because of the pressures that the pandemic and its fallout forced upon us,” Neighbour said. “There is now the assumption that content will be available to consumers everywhere, and that media professionals will be able to work from wherever is convenient for them.

“There is a pressing demand for streaming management and delivery technology which is very fast to get online, and is cloud-hosted for seamless remote access,” he explained. “This is very much the direction we have been moving in recent times, and the reception to our latest technologies at IBC proved very much that we are meeting today’s expectations.”

PlayBox Technology is a media and entertainment technology company delivering over 20,000 master entertainment streams every day. Drawing on 20 years’ experience of innovation in channel in a box technology, it now offers a broad range of software solutions running on standard hardware or in the cloud. These solutions are open and readily interface with other industry-standard solutions like AWS, Azure, Linode, Digital Ocean, Vultr, Alibaba Cloud, Google Analytics, Google AdSense, PayPal, Stripe and many more.

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