Maldives Business Network Channel Powered by PlayBox Technology

Maldives Business Network Channel Powered by PlayBox Technology

software used in news channels

LONDON, UK, 15/04/21: Maldives Business Network, a Business TV channel, has powered its presentation resources with the purchase of a multichannel PlayBox Technology Channel in a Box (CiaB) television playout system. The new installation was supplied and engineered by APAC Country Manager KC Lee. It is located at the channel’s headquarters in Male’ City, Republic of Maldives.

“For this project, a system built on the popular Channel in a Box Neo series was the obvious option,” states Business Center Corporation managing director Hussain Ahmed. “The Business Center Corporation has been a long-time user of PlayBox Technology equipment, so the channel’s team is well-familiar with the user experience and the intrinsic reliability of CiaB-based playout solutions.”

“CiaB also surpasses in terms of price/performance, which is why it is frequently used in the broadcast industry. Another argument for going with PlayBox Technology was that AirBox Neo comes standard with IP output additionally to SDI. The IP output is useful for direct internet feeds.”

“The AirBox software is an extremely scalable playout system with additional ingest, database, scheduling, recovery, and timeshifting capabilities” adds KC Lee, PlayBox Technology APAC Country Manager. “The CaptureBox module enables simultaneous capture of HD or SD content from up to four video sources. DataBox Neo is a tightly organised archive for media and content marketing that provides instant access to over 20,000 documents at the same time. Schedule administrators may use ListBox Neo to build and update schedules days and weeks in advance, with features including text searching, clip copying/pasting, and schedule printing. For secure delivery, SafeBox Neo replicates remote content to local playout server folders. TitleBox Neo offers a wide variety of immersive on-air graphics and titling options that can be controlled in real time.”

Business Center Corporation 

The Business Center Corporation (BCC) is a state-owned enterprise established by the Government of Maldives. It is the legal vehicle mandated for the operations and management of the Regional Business Centers (BC), established as per the SME Act (2013) and would be steering the government’s SME support efforts and provide support in the development of the SME sector, under the overall direction of the responsible Ministry of Economic Development.

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