8K TV – What You Need To Know

It seems that not a day goes by without news of a new technological invention that becomes a game-changer. Can you remember when we were amazed by LED and smart television sets? We have come a long way since then! In this post, we are going to take a look at 8k television sets and the viewing experience they deliver.
8k technology is the latest tech taking the world of home entertainment by storm. But what is 8K TV and how will it change our lives? 8K simply refers to the resolution, which means the number of vertical and horizontal pixels. The science is that you will benefit from better quality image the higher the number of pixels that you have. So, what is 8K TV in terms of resolution? With an 8K image, you can expect 4320 vertical pixels and 7680 horizontal pixels. That really is stunning image quality.
What makes it different to 4k? To understand what makes 8k content so great, you need to look at it in relation to 4k. 4k has half the pixels of 8k, meaning it has 2160 vertical pixels and 3840 vertical lines. When compared with Full HD, 8k has 16 times the amount of pixels. So, if you thought Full HD was good, 8K has just knocked it out of the ball park!
Has 8K been around for long? 8K video resolution started to appear just as 4k televisions were taking off. The first actual 8K TV was shown by Sharp back in 2013, however, it’s developed significantly since then.
Has it been fully adopted yet? It is largely being driven by TV broadcasters and filmmakers at the moment. However, in Hollywood, there is no denying that 6K cameras are much more prevalent. At recent trade shows, all of the major brands have been announcing 8K televisions. There are 8K TVs available to purchase now. They are likely out of price for most consumers now, but we can expect these prices to drop.
What are the benefits and drawbacks of 8K TV? The benefits of 8K TV are that you are going to benefit from an outstanding picture quality – better than anything you could ever imagine! However, it is still relatively new, so support and content is a bit thin on the ground at the moment.
Does 8k content even exist yet to be displayed on an 8K TV? Yes! Content is picking up for 8k television. Two years ago, Vimeo announced support for 8K, and it now has thousands of 8K videos. However, there is still a long way to go with streaming services and broadcasting.
Should someone buy an 8K TV monitor yet? It would probably be best to wait before buying an 8K television. After all, we will see prices drop over the coming years. Plus, it is advisable to wait and see how brands react to 8K.
What makes the possibility of 8K an exciting prospect? When it comes to an 8K TV monitor, you can expect a much, much higher level of quality. With 8K quality, you will feel like you are at the location being shown on your screen, fully immersed in the experience.