Terms and Conditions

All  quotations are valid for 30 days date of issue.  

All prices quoted require payment by a confirmed source in advance of shipment. 

Goods remain the property of PlayBox Technology (UK) Ltd until paid for in full.     

Bank and Payment Details   

Payments are accepted via PayPalPayPal.meStripe and by debit or credit card paymentssupporting Visa, Mastercard, Amex and Discover.

Bank Transfer Payment To:   

Sterling Accounts (GBP)

Bank Name: Lloyds Bank PLC, 

Bank address: 36 Chequer St, St Albans AL1 3YQ, United Kingdom

Sort Code: 30-97-25

Account Number No. 01936751


Bank Name: Revolut

Bank address: 7 Westferry Circus, London E14 4HD, United Kingdom

Sort Code:  23-14-86 

Account Number No. 01936751

Euro Accounts (EUR) 

Bank name: Citibank

Bank address: 1 North Wall Quay, International Financial Services Centre (IFSC), Dublin 1, Ireland

IBAN: IE91CITI99005170363888



Bank name: Revolut

Bank address: 7 Westferry Circus, London E14 4HD, United Kingdom

IBAN: GB07 REVO 0099 6967 2928 11


US Dollar Accounts (USD) 

Bank name: First Century Bank

Bank address: 525 Federal Street Bluefield, WV–Bluefield, USA

Routing (ABA): 061120084

Account number: 4029761033795

Account type: CHECKING


Bank name: Metropolitan Commercial Bank

Bank address: 99 Park Avenue 4th Floor New York, NY 10016


Fedwire ABA number: 026013356

Account number: 8799013101

Letters of Credit are only accepted for very large projects.      

Letters of Credit Terms:      

  1. Irrevocable   
  2. Transferable    
  3. Confirmed by a First Class UK Bank and preferably Lloyds Bank Ltd.    
  4. Partial Shipments and Transhipments Allowed    
  5. Payable on Sight on Presentation of the following documents only  Invoice    and Packing list     
  6. Shipping Document (AWB, BOL or TIR)    
  7. All bank charges payable by applicant.      

Despatch: The estimated Despatch Date for the Equipment will be stated in the Order Confirmation but subject to prior order is currently expected to be 3-8 weeks. All prices quoted above are for despatch ex-works Hertfordshire, England      

Freight and Insurance: All prices quoted are exclusive of freight, and insurance. Any such costs as may be incurred will be charged extra.       

Software: “PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited warrants that it has all necessary rights to sell and or licence the copyright in the software”. The software is sold under licence agreement that allows the client to use the software for his professional use. The agreement specifically forbids the client from copying the software other than for security, selling on without prior permission or offering the software as a service, without prior permission. PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited warrants that the product is fit for purpose but not fault free.         

Hardware Warranty: PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited warrants that it has all necessary rights to sell the hardware and confirms that the sale of the hardware will not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third parties in the hardware. PlayBox Technology Limited products are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a period or 24 months form the date of shipment        

PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited, at its option, will repair or replace products which prove to be defective during the warranty period, provided they are returned to PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited freight prepaid.       

PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited makes no other warranties, expressed or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or otherwise.       

PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited’s liability for any cause, including breach of warranty, or negligence, with respect to products sold by it, is limited to repair or replacement by PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited, at its sole discretion. This remedy is exclusive. In no event shall PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, including loss of profits.      

In no event will PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited, or its Employees and Affiliates, be Liable for any consequential, incidental or indirect damages and/or loss of revenues arising out of the use or misuse of goods or services sold, hired or offered, even if PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited or an authorised PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited representative has advised of such possibilities.        

The Warranty is invalidated if equipment is reconfigured or altered by non PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited Personnel or Agents and any cost of rectification is at the liability of the purchaser. The equipment must not be connected to the internet directly or indirectly and that any damage to hardware or software caused by such connection is the liability of the purchaser        

Patent and copyright indemnity     

PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited will indemnify and hold harmless the customer against any damages (including costs) that may be awarded or agreed to be paid to any third party in respect of any claim or action that the normal operation possession or use of the Hardware or Software infringes the patent copyright registered design or trade mark rights of the said third party (an “Intellectual Property Infringement”) provided that the customer:        

  • gives notice to PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited of any Intellectual Property Infringement forthwith upon becoming aware of the same;        
  • gives PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited the sole conduct of the defence to any claim or action in respect of an Intellectual Property Infringement and does not at any time admit liability or otherwise attempt to settle or compromise the said claim or action except upon the express instructions of PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited; and      
  • acts in accordance with the reasonable instructions of PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited and gives to PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited such assistance as it shall reasonably require in respect of the conduct of the said defence including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the filing of all pleadings and other court process and the provision of all relevant documents.        

PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited shall have no liability to indemnify the customer in respect of an Intellectual Property Infringement if the same results from: 

  • PlayBox any unauthorised alteration modification or adjustment to the Hardware or Software without the prior consent of PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited; or        
  • the combination connection operation or use of the Hardware or Software with any other equipment or documentation not supplied by PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited.        

In the event of an Intellectual Property Infringement PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited shall be entitled at its own expense and option either to:        

  • procure the right for the customer to continue using the Hardware or Software; or        
  • make such alterations modifications or adjustments to the Hardware or Software that they become non-infringing without incurring a material diminution in performance or function; or        
  • replace the Hardware or Software with non-infringing substitutes provided that such substitutes do not entail a material diminution in performance or function.       

Installation and Training

The prices quoted DO NOT include installation, commissioning or training except where indicated on the Quotation. No Installation Equipment, Accessories or Materials are included such as Jackfields, patch cords, interconnection cables, equipment racks, etc. unless specifically stated otherwise. Any such costs that are incurred will be charged extra.        

Airfares, Accommodation and Expenses: The PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited policy is to fly by economy airfare on the least cost direct flight for travel up to 5 hours and thereafter the least cost business fare. In recent years a number of airlines have fallen below levels of safety and PlayBox Technology Limited reserves the right to specify airlines. PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited personnel normally stay in four-star hotels as specified by the AA recommended guide and would anticipate providing hotel to this standard.        

All out of pocket expenses that will include transportation to and from the airport and place or places of work, subsistence, etc. will be charged at cost. Where it is more appropriate a per diem of £75 per day is paid to employees.       

Installation and Training Charges: The figures contain estimates for these services and whilst every attempt is made to ensure the figures are accurate it is to some extent in the clients hands. PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited reserves the right to charge for additional days at the prevailing rate. It is not our intention to charge unreasonably for these additional days and we will normally allow up to 2 days over-run.       

All rates exclude travel and expenses and PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited reserves the right to charge at man-day rates for travel time. A normal working day is deemed from 9 am to 5 pm. 

PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited reserves the right to charge for additional hours.       

Software Maintenance and Support First Year     

The PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited products are provided with a mandatory first year ASM&TS (annual software maintenance and technical support) contract enabling the customer to maintain their software up to date by email and web based “Live” Support. 

The cost of the ASM&TS contract is quoted as 20% of the published software list price of the products.       

Second Year and Onwards     

The product is evolving and the customer can continue to obtain new releases by signing a ASM&TS contract that provides for free software updates. 

The cost of the ASM&TS contract is quoted as 20% of the published software list price of the product. 

PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited Company Details    

PlayBox Technology (UK) Limited is Registered in England, Registration Number 5176689 and is Registered VAT, Registration Number 875 6137 91 (GB 875 6137 91)        

Head Office Address is Brookmans Park Teleport, Great North Road, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL9 6NE, UK and our Telephone Number is  +44 (0) 2081030560     

Please see our website at https://playboxtechnology.com for more information E&OE    

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