PlayBox Technology´s charity celebrates anniversary

PlayBox Technology´s charity celebrates anniversary

Don Ash Foundation, a non-profit organisation, established in the year 2018 in the UK, which works together with grassroots organisations, to help transmit the message of the importance of early childhood development and the consequences for the future of our children into the agenda, in order to maximise the efforts to improve the programmes and policies that help young children to reach their full potential, celebrates its third anniversary.

Some of the areas given greater emphasis by the Don Ash Foundation include positive parental behaviour, children’s mental health, increased participation of handicapped children as well as efforts to reduce violence against minors.

“The welfare of children remains our major priority”, says Maya Ash, chair of Don Ash Foundation, “Awareness programmes for the public in the areas of health, nutrition, responsive care and early education are the key to building better lives for children.” 

The objective of the Don Ash Foundation is to encourage educational and economic prosperity in societies that support children. The Foundation is governed by values of honesty and transparency, scalability and efficiency when picking projects to support them. 

To celebrate its third anniversary, the charity has launched a Small Grant Application scheme to support smaller charities and community groups to promote early childhood development. The main objective of this Grants programme is to encourage non-for-profit sector to raise awareness on early childhood development and to nourish actions to its implementation. Grant funding shall be provided under the priority categories listed in the Foundation’s Areas of Intervention. The Small Grants Scheme will provide funding for activities and services in the local community for organisations and groups. 

Proposals with budgets of up to £5,000 for first time applicants and £20,000 for recurring applicants and will be considered for award. 

“We’ve been very conscious of the challenges that the charities and the grass root organisations are facing over the past year, and now that we emerge from lock-downs and reopening sites, funding from this programme is ever more important for the community,” Mrs. Ash said. “Hopefully such funds may make a difference and assist the provision of important services for local communities by volunteer and community organisations. I am glad our assistance reaches the neediest.”

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