PlayBox Launches DVB Series For Telecoms at NAB2007
PlayBox Technology’s DVB Series comprises a group of new products that addresses the needs of telecoms operations and satellite uplink centres for efficient, cost-effective high quality services for their re-broadcast and NVoD clients. This includes new IP streaming and ASI interfaces that work directly with DVB ASI streams. With over 3,000 television channels already on-air with PlayBox the DVB Series creates playout solutions specifically for the needs telecoms operators.
The IP/ASI interface card plugs into appropriate existing PlayBox equipment to create CaptureBox Streamer for ingest, AirBox Streamer for playout and a multiple ASI input DVB Muxer to combine playout streams into a single ASI-MPTS (Multiple Program Transport Stream). These, and other system components, can work together to fulfil any number of specific playout service requirements avoiding lossy decode/recode cycles, TV baseband equipment and its associated costs. Where needed further PlayBox system components can add features such as graphics and subtitling.
Satellite uplink centres that add local baseband content into downlinked streams could with achieve this with a CaptureBox Streamer, AirBox Streamer and a DVB Muxer combination – automation being handled within the AirBox. The NVoD model, where the content is not constantly changing, can be built around just a single AirBox Streamer that can support up to 256 IP streams, and a DVB Muxer.