Time Delay

A UDP/RTP Time-delay Solution

TS Time Delay

TS Time Delay provides unicast / multicast delay for UDP / RTP channels from a few seconds to a week or more. Intended for fully automated activity, TS Time Delay can be optimized for multiple input channels and multiple delayed outputs. Every input also has a zero delay output.

Provides a completely transparent time delay in transmission streams such as DVB / ATSC MPEG without modifying the original content quality.

All operating parameters can be easily managed via an integral web-based user interface, including channel-specific time delay of 15 seconds.

Maximum delay relies on the bitrate and storage capacity of the delayed stream.

Additional features include program presentation of MPEG-compliant transport streams and automated error logging.

TS Time Delay provides UDP / RTP input / output, unicast and multicast via standard Gigabit Ethernet ports.

broadcast scheduling

Data Delay

PlayBox TS Time Delay is a UDP / RTP Data Delay database for single and multichannel time zone delay requests, regional delays and disaster recovery.

  • Compressed DVB/ATSC TS Stream Delay
  • Delay of other non MPEG TS data
  • Transparent to data – doesn’t change any bits in the passing through streaming data
  • Web-based User interface
  • Program Information display, when the source data is MPEG TS compliant
  •  Error logging
  • Single/Multiple channels
  • Multiple delayed outputs with user defined delay per source
  •  One zero delay output per each input
  • User definable network interface for each input and output
  •  SPTS or MPTS delay, starting from 15sec up to days (depends on the storage and input bitrate)
  • U DP/RTP Input / Output, unicast or multicast via standard
  • Gigabit Ethernet ports
Verified by MonsterInsights