Media Management

Automated Media Management


SafeBox is designed to manage content automatically. The main purpose is to replicate remote content for safe playback in local playout server folders. It can automatically collect content from a number of sources if new content is available in remote locations. SafeBox can work in playlist or stand-alone mode.

All folder operations are slaved to schedule content in playlist-dependent mode. New daily schedules are transferred together with their related content and file paths become updated automatically according to the new local storage. For manual deletion or archiving, expired daily schedule content is automatically deleted and transferred to a predefined purge directory. Removal of deletion lists can be done automatically or with user approval.

SafeBox functions as a sophisticated material transfer engine in stand-alone mode. When new content appears in any of the remote watch directories, it is copied and transferred to the local playout memory automatically.

A single or multiple destination can be allocated to multiple content sources. Multiple content transactions can occur concurrently or one at a time based on user settings and network capabilities.

The automated removal of content is based on the expiry term and the file size. These two parameters can be configured by the user. The deletion engine for instance, can be enabled once the data files are older than 10 days and over 500 MB.
SafeBox operates low speed media file transfer to prevent congestion in network traffic, so it can copy remote content, for example, at only 50 or 80 Mbit / sec. Simultaneous content transactions can also be constrained when accessing multiple sources or files.
Through restricting speed and upload sessions, the user can maintain moderate server network and storage load, avoiding possible congestion of data traffic. Reliability on each playout server is a key factor allowing all additional transactions to be carried out at a lower priority and speed.

ingest playout engine


• Automated content replication
• Multiple in, single out
• Single in, multiple out
• Multiple in, multiple out
• Automated content removal
• Speed and session limiting
• Playlists/content delivery

File Formats:

Content files: All supported formats in AirBox and User definable file extensions
Playlist files: PlayBox playlists

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