Category: IBC

PlayBox Reports Record IBC2009

PlayBox Technology reports that IBC2009 was a great success for the company. Visitor numbers, sales leads and promised orders were all at new highs for the company. Despite expanding the floor space from the previous year the stand was still packed and more floor space has been booked for next year. Don Ash, Director, Sales,…
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1,500 PlayBox Channels since IBC2006

Visit PlayBox at IBC Stand 8.529, RAI, Amsterdam Playout and Automation Manufacturer PlayBox Technology, between IBC2006 and IBC2007, has supplied its solutions to power 1,500 New TV Channels as sales rocketed upwards after the success of last year’s exhibition. Every month between 100 and 150 new channels have been delivered that represents record sales for the company and brings…
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PlayBox at IBC2007

Stand 8.529 Amsterdam RAI, September 7-11 PlayBox Technology, now supporting over 3,000 SD and HD TV channels worldwide, is expanding the capabilities of its products and playout solutions at IBC2007. The new features include adding more flexibility for playout, especially in live operation, more efficient workflows and interface enhancements as well as technical developments for…
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