BHS Expands Infrastructure With PlayBox Technology

BHS Expands Infrastructure With PlayBox Technology

satellite playout service

BHS Telecom has expanded its broadcast playout infrastructure to a total of 100 PlayBox Technology AirBox Neo systems.

Located across the service providers facilities in Europe as well as the Mediterranean region, each AirBox Neo server is equipped with TitleBox Neo interactive graphics.

“Our broadcast playout business has expanded steadily over the years including 25 additional channels in little more than a year,” said Hamid Rahmani, CEO, BHS Telecom. “We now host 100 channels on PlayBox Technology AirBox Neo servers in various locations, each accessed by our broadcast clients through a secure IP link. Programme content is received from our customers as media files which we archive until the customer-controlled schedule gives the instruction to play to air. It is a highly efficient system and works extremely well.”

Ghorban Shirzad, CTO, BHS Telecom, added: “AirBox Neo continues to be the logical choice for our playout operation. It is compact, highly reliable and protected by 24/7 PlayBox Technology technical support. It also gives us the freedom to add UHD channels if or when the growing worldwide population of UHD television receivers gives our customers the impetus to adopt that standard. We are also looking with great interest at the CloudAir software-as-a-service concept which PlayBox Technology now offers. That has obvious applications for broadcasters wanting to start supplementary channels, whether permanent or related to the duration of a major outside broadcast event for example.”

“BHS Telecom has partnered with us for many years, providing remote playout and satellite broadcasting services for clients across the globe,” said Ananth Sam, PlayBox Technology Director of Solution Sales. “Each system is configured with the facilities specified by the relevant BHS Telecom customer, and with the desired level of redundancy. At the heart of PlayBox Neo is the AirBox Neo playout server. Designed for unattended operation, it can also be operated manually. All Neo playout channels are equipped to allow live input in addition to automated pre-scheduled playout and graphics, with the ability to add or trim media up to a few minutes before transmission or to inject live feeds.”

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